Unicorn Paintball – who’s a member?

Paintball, like so many other sports, demands a certain adherence to The Rules, so that things go smoothly.

Not that things always have to go smoothly, but nothing tops off getting tagged on a way cool move like some douche-hole bonus balling you on your way off the field. . . .

Or some dipstick jumping back into a game after he’s already out.

Or some first-timing deciding to wipe his hit because he’s pretty sure no one’s watching.

Or the new guy wanting to use your marker and not the team lender markers because him showing up for the first time graces your team so much that he just needs to break your marker on a rock trying some crap he saw in an 80s action movie . . .

It takes a little effort to be cool.

For some folks, that little effort is just too much.

If these seem like legit moves to you, welcome

So there you have it.

Maybe you’re already a member.     Or maybe you’re just a member.

No, seriously New Guy.  I’m out.  Please stop shooting now.